Contract Onbepaalde tijd Engels

Contract onbepaalde tijd Engels- Als werkgever is het van essentieel belang om een duidelijk contract op te stellen waarin alle afspraken tussen jou en je werknemer worden vastgelegd. Dit zorgt niet alleen voor een goede basis voor de samenwerking, maar voorkomt ook misverstanden en conflicten in de toekomst. In dit voorbeeldcontract vind je de belangrijkste bepalingen en bedingen die van toepassing zijn bij een arbeidsovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd in het Engels. 


Wat is een Contract Onbepaalde tijd?

Een arbeidsovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd is een overeenkomst tussen een werkgever en werknemer waarbij de werknemer voor onbepaalde tijd in dienst is bij de werkgever. Dit houdt in dat er geen einddatum is afgesproken en dat de werknemer voor een onbepaalde periode in dienst blijft bij de werkgever, tenzij de overeenkomst wordt opgezegd. Een dergelijke arbeidsovereenkomst kan zowel mondeling als schriftelijk worden afgesloten, hoewel het in de praktijk vaak wordt aanbevolen om de afspraken schriftelijk vast te leggen. In een arbeidsovereenkomst voor onbepaalde tijd worden onder andere afspraken gemaakt over de functie van de werknemer, het salaris, werktijden, vakantiedagen en eventuele secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden.

Voorbeeld Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Kop

The undersigned:

(Name of employer), located at (address and postcode of employer), legally represented by (Name of employer representative), hereinafter referred to as 'employer',


(Name of employee), born on (date of birth, at birthplace), Citizen Service Number (BSN number), residing at (address and postcode), hereinafter referred to as 'employee';

Declare to have entered into an employment contract under the following terms and conditions.

Employment Contract Indefinite Duration

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 1: Introductory Provisions

1.1 Definition of the employee's position

The employee is appointed in the position of [job title], where the employee will perform the following tasks: [description of tasks].

1.2 Description of the employee's duties and responsibilities

The employee's duties include [description of duties]. The employee is responsible for the correct execution of these duties and will perform them in accordance with the applicable rules and guidelines.

1.3 Indication of the location where the work will be performed

The employee will perform the work at the location of the employer, located at [employer's address]. If necessary, the work may also be performed at other locations.

1.4 Indication of salary and any supplements

The employee's salary is €[amount] gross per month, exclusive of holiday pay and other emoluments. The employee is entitled to [number] vacation days per year. In addition, the employee is entitled to any supplements in accordance with the applicable collective agreement.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 2: Duration of the Contract

This employment contract is entered into for an indefinite period, unless otherwise agreed. A trial period of up to 2 months can be agreed upon. During this period, both the employer and the employee can terminate the employment contract without giving a reason and without a notice period.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 3: Working Hours

The employee works on the days and times agreed upon and stated in the roster.

The employee is entitled to breaks as prescribed by the Working Hours Act.

In case of overtime, the employee is entitled to compensation in accordance with the applicable legislation.

If there are deviations from the normal working hours, the employee will be informed in a timely manner and this will be recorded in writing.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 4: Vacation Days

The employee is entitled to [number] vacation days per year based on a full-time employment. The taking of vacation days will be done in consultation with the employer. Any vacation requests will be submitted in writing or electronically to the employer and will be answered as soon as possible.

If the employment contract ends, the employee is entitled to payment for the number of vacation days not yet taken, unless the employee has already taken these days but has not yet accrued them. The legal rules for taking vacation days apply in case of illness.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 5: Illness

In case of illness, the employee must report sick immediately to the employer in accordance with the applicable guidelines. If the employee is ill for more than two days, the employer may require a sick report by means of a form prescribed by the employer.

The employer will make an effort to support the employee in the context of the Improvement of Gatekeeper Act. In this context, the employer may use an occupational health service provider.

If the employee is unable to perform the agreed work due to illness, the employee is entitled to continued payment of wages for a maximum period of 104 weeks, unless the illness is the result of intent or conscious recklessness on the part of the employee.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 6: Pension Scheme

6.1 Pension Scheme

The employer offers the employee a pension scheme in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

6.2 Premiums

Any premiums to be paid by the employee will be stated by the employer and deducted from the employee’s salary.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 7: Confidentiality and Non-Competition Clause

7.1 The employee is obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding business information that he has become aware of in the course of his duties, both during and after the employment relationship.

7.2 The employee is prohibited from working for a competitor of the employer during the employment relationship and for a period of 12 months following termination of the employment relationship, unless the employer waives the non-competition clause in writing.

7.3 In the event of a breach of the non-competition clause, the employee is liable to pay a penalty to the employer. The amount of the penalty is € [amount] per day that the employee is in breach of the clause, without prejudice to the employer's right to claim full compensation for damages.

7.4 The employee is not allowed to disclose or use business information for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of third parties. In the event of a breach of this obligation, the employee is liable for any damages resulting therefrom.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 8: Termination of the Agreement

8.1 Notice Period

a) The employer must give notice of termination of the employment agreement in compliance with the legal notice period.

b) The employee must give notice of termination of the employment agreement in compliance with the agreed notice period or the legal notice period, whichever is the shortest.

8.2 Severance Pay

If the employment agreement has lasted for at least 24 months and is terminated by the employer, the employee may be entitled to a severance payment. The amount of the severance payment depends, among other things, on the number of years of service and the employee's salary.

8.3 Non-Competition Clause and Confidentiality

The employee is obligated to maintain confidentiality of confidential business information and comply with the non-competition clause as agreed in the employment agreement.

8.4 In the event of termination or cancellation of the employment agreement for any reason whatsoever, the employee is obligated to return all company property and confidential information to the employer.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels Article 9: Miscellaneous Provisions

9.1 This agreement contains all agreements between the employer and the employee with respect to the content of the employment agreement.

9.2 Any additional agreements and/or modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

9.3 This employment agreement is governed by Dutch law.

9.4 If one or more provisions of this agreement are invalid, the remaining provisions will remain in force.

9.5 This agreement comes into effect on the start date and ends upon termination of the employment agreement.

Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Ondertekening

Employment Agreement Indefinite Term Signatures

Drawn up in duplicate in (PLACE) on (DATE)

Name of Employer Name of Employee

Signature of Employer Signature of Employee

Download voorbeeld Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels

Download hieronder het Download Voorbeeld Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Engels in Word. 


Bekijk de websites met actuele informatie over een projectcontract:

  1. Rijksoverheid: Alles over arbeidsovereenkomsten